a brief history of development for poverty reduction

There have been various approaches to development for poverty reduction since efforts have been made to promote and encourage development in non-Westernized nations. These approaches have been varied in nature, ranging from the initial Basic Income Approach in 1901 (see Rowntree) to the Empowerment Approach in 1983 (see Chambers) to the Systems Development and Integrated…

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challenges to urban agriculture

The expansion of urban agriculture is arguably necessary to feed the world’s population, especially as the global migration towards urban centers continues.  However, there is a range of hindrances preventing its full utilization, all of which are not necessarily exclusive to urban production systems – especially problems associated with a lack of foresight. Populations within…

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the benefits of urban agriculture

Agriculture has been a part of urban spaces since man began establishing towns and cities. However, as populations grew, agriculture needed to be outsourced to rural or urban spaces to meet the growing demand of urban citizens. While it may still be necessary to produce more calorie-dense and space-intensive crops, e.g. grains and trees, growing…

the historical development of organic farming

Organic agriculture, i.e. a method of farming and gardening that relies on natural systems and products and is free of virtually all synthetic and toxic chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides and a holistic, sustainable production management system that promotes and enhances biological cycles and soil biological activity, has a long and interesting history. Its development has occurred…

the 15 principles of organic farming

Organic agriculture is the counter movement to conventional agriculture that supports a more natural relationship between production and the environment in which production takes place. To support this relationship and reduce the negative impact of horticulture and agriculture, there are four main principles: Care Fairness Ecology Health These principles influence the practices of organic producers. Accordingly,…

what does organic really mean?

what does organic really mean?

The word organic is popping up everywhere. Organic milk, strawberries, and tomatoes. Organic cotton and organic pet food. These items are undoubtedly more expensive than their conventional counterparts and they are often stigmatized as being yuppie products or just another marketing scheme. Organic products have also been recognized as being healthier and more environmentally-friendly. But…

all about urbanization

all about urbanization

Urbanization can be defined as the process of small, rural settlements growing and expanding to become urban centers. Such an evolution is typically the result of some sort of economic incentive in that the prosperity of a given community attracts the attention of people interested in sharing in or profiting from the success of the…

the benefits and problems associated with aquaculture

Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic plants and animals. The field has grown rapidly throughout the past years because of a lack of arable land and increasing consumer demand for marine proteins and vegetables. Supply is also affected by pressure on wild populations and a growing recognition of the environmental impact of commercial fishing. For…