a vision for renewable energy: the forgotten story of Henry Ford and ethanol

a vision for renewable energy: the forgotten story of Henry Ford and ethanol

Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile industry with the Model T, designed to run on ethanol, envisioning a fuel economy based on local agriculture. Despite its potential, ethanol was overshadowed by gasoline due to industry dominance and regulatory challenges. Ford’s vision of renewable energy remains significant today, highlighting the need for infrastructure and supportive policies.

family farm for sale

did neoliberalism kill the family farm?

Neoliberalism, often associated with economic policies favoring market deregulation and individual responsibility, has had far-reaching implications beyond its economic dimensions. It has permeated into broader cultural and political spheres, reshaping societal structures and institutions. One such institution deeply impacted by neoliberal ideology is the family farm. This article seeks to explore how neoliberalism has influenced…

what are open-source seeds? why are open-source seeds important?
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what are open-source seeds? why are open-source seeds important?

Perhaps you have heard the term open-source. Maybe you heard about it within the context of software and technology as the open-source movement originated within the software development community as a means to encourage innovation and knowledge sharing. As such, the open-source concept is best-known within the technological paradigm. However, the essence of open-source can…

covid-19 and our food system: the wake up call we need?
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covid-19 and our food system: the wake up call we need?

The whole world is dealing with the consequences of the novel coronavirus – everyone from the residents of European capitals to members of indigenous Amazonian tribes is feeling the effect. COVID-19 is the main topic of discussion and has been for a few months now and will continue to be for many months to come….

how does agribusiness work? what are the different parts of agribusiness?

how does agribusiness work? what are the different parts of agribusiness?

Good or bad, agribusiness is an undeniable part of the agricultural landscape. We often associate the concept with (bad) industry practices and giant corporations. These associations aren’t wrong, but there is so much more to agribusiness than widely- known cultural giants with poor social and environmental track records. So, what does agribusiness really mean? The…

what is agribusiness? how did agribusiness evolve?

what is agribusiness? how did agribusiness evolve?

Historically speaking, agriculture has been treated as a single, unified sector in which existing market mechanisms (most commonly government intervention) enabled the coordination of production and distribution. This approach failed to account for the activities engaged in by private entities, e.g. farmers or industries working with farmers. The common understanding of agriculture as a sector…