why are humans reluctant to take global warming seriously?

“A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows.” – William James Folks, I am just going to come right out and say it: Denying that there is no human impact on the global climate is foolish. Of course, there is valid evidence demonstrating…

medical model vs. population health model

Medical Model Population Health Model Geared toward a clinically-oriented system   Studies the effects any given health ailment   Changes the way society and the individual interact   Individuals engage in guided self-managed care Places the fault with the individual   Assumes that there is something wrong with people who consume too much sodium and…

why are certain countries classified as failing states?

Throughout history, the greatest threats to the stability of global society have been dependent on states with too much power. However, in modern times it is the countries that cannot maintain power that threatens international stability. When a national government loses some or all of its power and cannot ensure the wellbeing of the citizens…

an alternative to the GDP: the genuine progress indicator (GPI)

an alternative to the GDP: the genuine progress indicator (GPI)

The Genuine Progress Indicator [GPI] is a GDP alternative that places value on the overall well-being of the world, rather than only the money we spend and goods we consume, by using 26 indicators to consolidate “critical economic, environmental, and social factors into a single framework in order to give a more accurate picture of…

what kind of services does nature produce?

what kind of services does nature produce?

Nature provides a myriad of services that humans are dependent upon for life. For example, wetlands purify water and streams, forests prevent and/or reduce floods by absorbing water, plants absorb CO2 which reduces harmful emissions and produce oxygen to breathe, worms transform waste into soil, pollinators provide us with food to eat, and natural sources…

how can the use of materials be reduced and what industries may benefit the most from the increased efficiency?

how can the use of materials be reduced and what industries may benefit the most from the increased efficiency?

We currently live in a throw-away society – not enough is recycled and staggering amounts of waste are produced. While each segment of society contributes to this, industry is the biggest offender. For instance, steel, which is used more than all other metals combined, is essential to the automobile, household appliance and construction industries. Even…

what are the causes of air pollution in china? how serious is this problem, and how does it impact other countries?

what are the causes of air pollution in china? how serious is this problem, and how does it impact other countries?

There are a variety of reasons for air pollution in China. Demand for cheap goods throughout the world prompt huge manufacturing efforts that are poorly regulated. A lack of enforceable energy and environmental standards enable production systems to exploit resources with few or no repercussions. An expanding middle class is also contributing to the increases…

air pollution by concentrated animal feeding operations

air pollution by concentrated animal feeding operations

The article Air Pollution by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations by P. Patel and T.J. Centner is justification for the regulation of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOS). Reasons include the health and environmental implications of CAFOS, a current lack of regulation and measurable standards and the currently unsuccessful legislation and guidelines. Two major points of the…