the historical development of organic farming

Organic agriculture, i.e. a method of farming and gardening that relies on natural systems and products and is free of virtually all synthetic and toxic chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides and a holistic, sustainable production management system that promotes and enhances biological cycles and soil biological activity, has a long and interesting history. Its development has occurred…

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factory farming and human health

According to Tim O’Brien, the author of Factory Farming and Human Health, large-scale farming is a danger to human health. He concludes that close quarters for animals, exposure to excrement, dirt, a lack of sunlight and poor ventilation that lead to negative health effects in both animals and humans. The environment created by factory farming…

the 15 principles of organic farming

Organic agriculture is the counter movement to conventional agriculture that supports a more natural relationship between production and the environment in which production takes place. To support this relationship and reduce the negative impact of horticulture and agriculture, there are four main principles: Care Fairness Ecology Health These principles influence the practices of organic producers. Accordingly,…

what does organic really mean?

what does organic really mean?

The word organic is popping up everywhere. Organic milk, strawberries, and tomatoes. Organic cotton and organic pet food. These items are undoubtedly more expensive than their conventional counterparts and they are often stigmatized as being yuppie products or just another marketing scheme. Organic products have also been recognized as being healthier and more environmentally-friendly. But…

all about urbanization

all about urbanization

Urbanization can be defined as the process of small, rural settlements growing and expanding to become urban centers. Such an evolution is typically the result of some sort of economic incentive in that the prosperity of a given community attracts the attention of people interested in sharing in or profiting from the success of the…

5 things to consider before buying hybrid seeds

5 things to consider before buying hybrid seeds

Hybrid plants are a crossing between two selected parent plants achieved via controlled pollination  (see how are plants propagated). The seeds produced by this process are called F1 or F1 Hybrids. These hybrids will exhibit very specific qualities. Hybrids have quickly come to dominate the seed market. However, in spite of their increased market presence…

how do allopathic and complementary & alternative medicine (CAM) differ?

how do allopathic and complementary & alternative medicine (CAM) differ?

Allopathic medicine is defined as a system of medicine that aims to combat disease by using remedies which produce effects that are different from or incompatible with those of the disease being treated. The medical community practicing this form of medicine includes medical doctors and others types of health professionals, e.g. nurses, pharmacists, and therapists….

biofuels explained

biofuels explained

A biofuel is a form of fuel that is produced from renewable organic materials, such as sugar crops, oil seed crops, and animal fats. They are considered to be potential substitutes for carbon-based fuels, i.e. extremely old, biofuels. There are two varieties: plant-based and animal-based. The plant-based products are fermented sugars which create the fuels like…


what is horticulture?

Defined by the American Society for Horticultural Science as, “the art and science of producing, improving, marking, and using fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants,” horticulture is an important component of society that positively impacts citizen’s quality of life. Such improvements can take the form of, for example, increased nutrition, more attractive living environments, or…