what are the causes of air pollution in china? how serious is this problem, and how does it impact other countries?

what are the causes of air pollution in china? how serious is this problem, and how does it impact other countries?

There are a variety of reasons for air pollution in China. Demand for cheap goods throughout the world prompt huge manufacturing efforts that are poorly regulated. A lack of enforceable energy and environmental standards enable production systems to exploit resources with few or no repercussions. An expanding middle class is also contributing to the increases…

air pollution by concentrated animal feeding operations

air pollution by concentrated animal feeding operations

The article Air Pollution by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations by P. Patel and T.J. Centner is justification for the regulation of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOS). Reasons include the health and environmental implications of CAFOS, a current lack of regulation and measurable standards and the currently unsuccessful legislation and guidelines. Two major points of the…

three major issues affecting healthcare

three major issues affecting healthcare

1. Direct Advertisement and the Expiration of Patents – The United States and New Zealand are the only countries in the world that allow direct marketing of pharmaceuticals. As a result, people often demand unnecessary treatment which drives up costs and reduces the overall quality of care. Additionally, the increased prevalence of pharmaceuticals has not…

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kill-it-and-eat-it locavores give cities indigestion

This article describes how urban farmers who chose to slaughter their own meat are facing new regulations and even bans on home butchering. This is coming after many residents filed complaints that home slaughtering is inhumane and that there are no animal welfare standards in effect. Officials have acknowledged that a growth in urban farming…

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the influence of social involvment, neighborhood aesthetics, and community garden participation on fruit and vegetable conspumption

“I feel like I’m a co-creator in the world with my garden, helping bring forth life, nurturance. It nurtures me as much as I nurture it. And it gives me hope.” The objective of this article was to examine the relationship between the fruit and vegetable consumption by urban adults and several selected social and…

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review and analysis of of the benefits, purposes and motivations associated with community gardens in the united states

“The varied purposes and benefits of community gardening make it an ideal interventional strategy for community-based practitioners because myriad goals may be addressed through this approach.” Community gardening emerged in the United States in the 1890s as, “a means to address urban congestion caused by immigration, economic instability and environmental degradation”. Immigrants, children and the…

how the scientific community garnered its power in the medical community

how the scientific community garnered its power in the medical community

“If the sick are to reap the full benefit of recent progress in medicine, a more uniformly arduous and expensive medical education is demanded.” – Abraham Flexner – Before the standardization of medicine in the United States, medical training was extremely varied and often inadequate. There were three ways that doctors were trained-apprenticeships, through a…


a history of the development of the food pyramid and dietary guidelines in the United States

Throughout the 20th century, the food mantra of the United States changed from ‘eat more’  to ‘eat less’. The ‘eat more’ mentality (1890s-1960s) was in response to widespread disease caused by nutritional deficiencies and the eat less (1960s- present) is in response to the dramatic increase in chronic disease brought about by unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles….