
challenges to ecolabels

According to the European Commission, an ecolabel is a voluntary environmental performance certificate awarded to products and services. Certified products and services are classified by groups. These product and service groups must meet specific, pre-defined criteria by demonstrating that they reduce the standard overall environmental impact. Accordingly, ecolabels are seals of approval given to products…


the disadvantages of ecolabels

Ecolabels are certification schemes that serve as a declaration of the higher sustainability qualities of products or services. In some instances, these regulatory tools serve to create new markets and educate consumers about the environmental impact of the products they consume. However, the concept of ecolabels is still evolving and there are a number of…


the different types of ecolabels

With growing concern about the impact of production systems on the environment, a range of efforts have been made to shift both producer and consumer behavior. Ecolabelling is one approach that aims to (1) inform consumers about the environmental impact of their consumption patterns and (2) encourage producers to improve the environmental sustainability of their…


what is technoscience? how has technoscience impacted society?

The world that we live in seems to change at an ever faster pace. We attribute this to technology…but how did technology become so pervasive in our everyday lives? What role has science played in this evolution? And, how do science and technology impact one another? The concept of technoscience helps us to understand this…

a brief introduction to neoliberalism in the United states

“Neoliberalism is hard to define. It could refer to intensified  resource extraction, financialization, austerity, or something more ephemeral – a way of life – in which collective ideals of citizenship give way to marketized individualism and consumerism.” Greg Grandin The twentieth century was a complicated time period in the United States. It began with the…

what is a farm? what are the different tax structures for farms?

In the United States, a farm is considered a business that earns a minimum of $1,000 rearing livestock or growing crops for food, fiber, and feed. According to the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, farm business can be set up in three ways. The first option is a sole proprietorship where an individual or married…


the advantages and disadvantages of ecolabels

Product labeling is a tool for promoting markets with specific characteristics. The labels provide information about those characteristics that might normally be unobservable or difficult to assess. If systematically and structurally implemented, labels are a source of reliable and credible information. Ecolabels are a specific type of product labeling that certifies the environmental performance of…