drivers of ecolabel adoption – what factors lead to ecolabel uptake and acceptance?

drivers of ecolabel adoption – what factors lead to ecolabel uptake and acceptance?

Empowering long-term sustainability is no easy feat. Many interrelated factors must be accounted for to ensure that the social, environmental, and economic elements of sustainability are incorporated into long-term solutions. As such, a holistic approach that uses various tools to bring about incremental and intelligent change is needed. Ecolabels contribute to such approaches as they…


challenges to ecolabels

According to the European Commission, an ecolabel is a voluntary environmental performance certificate awarded to products and services. Certified products and services are classified by groups. These product and service groups must meet specific, pre-defined criteria by demonstrating that they reduce the standard overall environmental impact. Accordingly, ecolabels are seals of approval given to products…


the different types of ecolabels

With growing concern about the impact of production systems on the environment, a range of efforts have been made to shift both producer and consumer behavior. Ecolabelling is one approach that aims to (1) inform consumers about the environmental impact of their consumption patterns and (2) encourage producers to improve the environmental sustainability of their…