what is plant tolerance? why is plant tolerance important?

Although it might seem like plants live a carefree life filled with sunbaths and rain showers, most plants live in hostile environments where they have to deal with pests, harsh weather, pollution, and scarce resources. Surviving and even thriving in such environments requires that they adapt and gain advantages that will enable them to: Adapt…

5 things to consider before buying hybrid seeds

5 things to consider before buying hybrid seeds

Hybrid plants are a crossing between two selected parent plants achieved via controlled pollination  (see how are plants propagated). The seeds produced by this process are called F1 or F1 Hybrids. These hybrids will exhibit very specific qualities. Hybrids have quickly come to dominate the seed market. However, in spite of their increased market presence…

the purpose of plant breeding and selection and why it is a never-ending story

Agriculture is the foundation of society as we know it and without the domestication of plants, agriculture would not be possible. Plant domestication, which is the process of adapting wild plants for the use of humans, is arguably more successful when practiced in conjunction with crop breeding. Crop breeding occurs when closely or distantly related plant…