what is the difference between plant resistance and plant tolerance?

Plant tolerance and plant resistance are ways that plants deal with stressors in their environment. Resistance and tolerance are plants’ best defense mechanisms. At the most basic level, the difference between tolerance and resistance is related to how the plant defends itself. In the case of tolerance, the plant has strategies that helps it to…

an introduction to integrated pest management (IPM)

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a long-term pest prevention program that focuses on ecosystem-based strategies for the control of pest-related issues. This is accomplished through a combination of techniques including biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices and the use of resistant cultivars. The use of chemical pesticides is then restricted to applications only after…

question: how is a beautiful lawn the “perfect antithesis of an ecological system”?

According to the Barbara Stein, author of Noah’s Garden, a perfect lawn perpetually requires intensive inputs due to the fact that it is completely cut-off from the natural system that would otherwise support it. Additionally, the roots that grow from lawn grass become a “feltlike mat” that is between 2 and 4 inches deep. The…