what does it mean to be open source? why is interest in open source licensing growing?

what does it mean to be open source? why is interest in open source licensing growing?

It’s no secret that property rights are a core element of western civilization and capitalistic societies. These property rights define how goods and services can be used, traded, or saved. Both individual and larger entities can own property and they can choose to use (or not use) that property however they wish. This is of…

what are open-source seeds? why are open-source seeds important?
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what are open-source seeds? why are open-source seeds important?

Perhaps you have heard the term open-source. Maybe you heard about it within the context of software and technology as the open-source movement originated within the software development community as a means to encourage innovation and knowledge sharing. As such, the open-source concept is best-known within the technological paradigm. However, the essence of open-source can…