covid-19 and our food system: the wake up call we need?

The whole world is dealing with the consequences of the novel coronavirus - everyone from the residents of European capitals to members of indigenous Amazonian tribes is feeling the effect. COVID-19 is the main topic of discussion and has been for a few months now and will continue to be for many months to come. …

high fructose corn syrup: what it is, what it isn’t, and how it affects the body

Our bodies love the sweet stuff. We can't really help it - it's a leftover survival strategy from our more primitive days. If something was sweet, it was most likely safe [there is a minimal number things that are both toxic and sweet] and high in calories which was very important before the rise of …

what are antioxidants? how do antioxidants affect the body?

While medical science has advanced incredibly throughout the past century, each individual is still primarily responsible for their health and well-being. How much and what type of exercise impacts or muscle and fat ratios. The amount of sleep that we get affects our mental and physical health. Our diets fuel our daily activities. At present, …

the dangers of industrial agriculture

It is commonly argued that industrial agriculture is a necessary evil in the world. Proponents contend that industrial agriculture's efficiency and ability to produce huge quantities of products using less space are pivotal to feeding hungry nations throughout the world. Others believe that industrial agriculture has freed poor, rural citizens from their 'backward country ways' …

5 benefits of intermittent fasting

It seems that intermittent fasting might be the next new diet craze. There is nary a news feed without some article or video touting the "amazing", "life-changing", or "mind-blowing" benefits of regulating the time periods when a person ingests any calorie-containing foods. But what is the hubbub really all about? Why exactly would a person …

what intermittent fasting is and how it affects your body

It's hard not to love food. It's comforting. It's nourishing. It's delicious and hardwired into our cultural practices. It has become our companion in the car, at our desks, in front of the TV, and on-the-go. As such, our relationships have lost some of their much-needed boundaries. Our lack of personal space has come to …

challenges to urban agriculture

The expansion of urban agriculture is arguably necessary to feed the world’s population, especially as the global migration towards urban centers continues.  However, there is a range of hindrances preventing its full utilization, all of which are not necessarily exclusive to urban production systems - especially problems associated with a lack of foresight. Populations within …