geoengineering explained: the benefits and challenges of biochar

Biochar, a form of carbon dioxide sequestration (SDR), is a solid material obtained from the carbonization of biomass. This process produces highly porous charcoal. The biomass is then buried to lock the carbon into the soil which can improve soil functions. CO2 typically produced by the natural degradation of biomass is also reduced. This practice is…

geoengineering explained: the advantages and disadvantages of ambient air capture

Ambient air capture, a form of carbon dioxide sequestration (CDR), involves building large machines that can remove carbon dioxide directly from the ambient air so that the captured CO2 can be stored elsewhere. The three steps of the air capture process are: Contacting the air Absorption or adsorption on a sorbent Recovery of the sorbent see also:…


There have increasing reports of severe weather conditions throughout the world. Certain areas are facing record-breaking water shortages while others are faced with unprecedented flooding. There are a myriad of circumstances that are leading to these conditions. However, the amount of precipitation an area receives is a dominating factor. Precipitation is part of the atmosphere…