geoengineering explained: the benefits and challenges of biochar

Biochar, a form of carbon dioxide sequestration (SDR), is a solid material obtained from the carbonization of biomass. This process produces highly porous charcoal. The biomass is then buried to lock the carbon into the soil which can improve soil functions. CO2 typically produced by the natural degradation of biomass is also reduced. This practice is…

geoengineering explained: the benefits and challenges of enhanced weathering

Enhanced weathering is the process of exposing large quantities of minerals that are reactive with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and storing the resulting compound in the ocean or soil. It is considered a form of carbon dioxide removal or CDR. BENEFITS CHALLENGES Has the potential to increase terrestrial and oceanic net productivity Can be…

geoengineering explained: the benefits and challenges of ocean alkalinity enhancement

Ocean alkalinity enhancement is increasements in the ocean’s alkalinity via the exposure of large quantities of reactive minerals to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Calcium oxide is created when temperatures of ca. 1000 degrees Celsius are used to heat high purity limestone. The Calcium oxide is then stored in the ocean. The water prevents the…

geoengineering explained: the benefits and challenges of bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration

The production of bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration is considered a form of carbon dioxide removal (CDR). The process begins by growing biomass, burning it to create energy and finally capturing and sequestering the carbon dioxide created in the process. Negative CO2 emissions are generated by combining bio-energy production [biomass fuel power stations, pulp…

geoengineering explained: the benefits and challenges of space reflectors

Space reflectors, a form of solar radiation management [SRM], are sun shields positioned in space in order to reduce the amount of solar energy reaching the earth. Options include placing mirrors around the earth, placing millions of reflectors between the earth and the sun where the gravitational attraction between the two bodies is equal, launching a…

geoengineering explained: the benefits and challenges of ocean fertilization

Ocean fertilization is an untested carbon dioxide sequestration (CDR) technique that involves dissolving nitrates or iron into the water which will encourage an increase in carbon uptake by phytoplankton. After the plankton blooms, it dies and then sinks to the ocean floor where the carbon will be stored as sedimentary rock. BENEFITS CHALLENGES Relatively safe…

geoengineering explained: the advantages and disadvantages of ambient air capture

Ambient air capture, a form of carbon dioxide sequestration (CDR), involves building large machines that can remove carbon dioxide directly from the ambient air so that the captured CO2 can be stored elsewhere. The three steps of the air capture process are: Contacting the air Absorption or adsorption on a sorbent Recovery of the sorbent see also:…

geoengineering explained: the benefits and challenges of afforestation

Afforestation is the process of planting trees, or sowing seeds, in a barren land devoid of any trees to create a forest. The term should not be confused with reforestation, which is the process of specifically planting native trees into a forest that has decreasing numbers of trees. The increased number of trees helps to…