livestock – fact or prejudice?

Human and livestock have lived in ecological harmony for 10,000 years. True! It is only with the emergence of modern industrialized agriculture that livestock production has become ecologically harmful. Livestock competes with humans for food and water Technically speaking, pigs and chickens are in competition with humans because we can consume similar foodstuffs. However, in…

question: how is a beautiful lawn the “perfect antithesis of an ecological system”?

According to the Barbara Stein, author of Noah’s Garden, a perfect lawn perpetually requires intensive inputs due to the fact that it is completely cut-off from the natural system that would otherwise support it. Additionally, the roots that grow from lawn grass become a “feltlike mat” that is between 2 and 4 inches deep. The…

what kind of services does nature produce?

what kind of services does nature produce?

Nature provides a myriad of services that humans are dependent upon for life. For example, wetlands purify water and streams, forests prevent and/or reduce floods by absorbing water, plants absorb CO2 which reduces harmful emissions and produce oxygen to breathe, worms transform waste into soil, pollinators provide us with food to eat, and natural sources…