what are open-source seeds? why are open-source seeds important?
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what are open-source seeds? why are open-source seeds important?

Perhaps you have heard the term open-source. Maybe you heard about it within the context of software and technology as the open-source movement originated within the software development community as a means to encourage innovation and knowledge sharing. As such, the open-source concept is best-known within the technological paradigm. However, the essence of open-source can…

the main challenges to alternative food networks

Alternative food networks (AFNs) aim to help connect food consumers with food producers in the hope that the resocialization of consumption will drive change within the food system. Such changes are generally geared towards promoting social and environmental sustainability. However, even with holistic intentions, alternative food networks [AFNs] are not without their challenges, limitations, and…

why is interest in the alternative food movement growing?

As the world’s population grows and alternative values and interests come to light, the name- and facelessness of current approaches to agricultural production have become a point of contention and are less and representative of contemporary societal values (1). As a response, localism has become a standard component of emerging social and technological trends. Localism…


alternative food networks and new peasantry

There has arguably been a “relentless assault” on small farming throughout the world as a result of neoliberal policy that has enabled the globalization and industrialization of food production. Corporate regimes have been able to gain a stronghold over agricultural markets, which undermines local stewardship, dispossess rural inhabitants, and depresses both wages and prices via…


defining aquaculture and its role in the food production system

As the world’s population grows, so does its demand for animal proteins which puts a great deal of pressure on natural populations. Agriculture has helped to reduce such pressures on land animals [albeit causing other problems in the process]. Aquaculture is the aquatic version of agriculture in that fresh and saltwater organisms are farmed. Farming…


the difference between intercropping and companion planting

In nearly all healthy ecosystems, there is an intricate network of living organisms that coexist and provide balance to the environment. Modern approaches to agriculture counter this balance and embrace monoculture production. Within monoculture systems, there is only one type of crop which opens the crop to a number of problems, like pest infestations or…

the historical development of organic farming

Organic agriculture, i.e. a method of farming and gardening that relies on natural systems and products and is free of virtually all synthetic and toxic chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides and a holistic, sustainable production management system that promotes and enhances biological cycles and soil biological activity, has a long and interesting history. Its development has occurred…

the 15 principles of organic farming

Organic agriculture is the counter movement to conventional agriculture that supports a more natural relationship between production and the environment in which production takes place. To support this relationship and reduce the negative impact of horticulture and agriculture, there are four main principles: Care Fairness Ecology Health These principles influence the practices of organic producers. Accordingly,…