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the benefits of urban agriculture

Agriculture has been a part of urban spaces since man began establishing towns and cities. However, as populations grew, agriculture needed to be outsourced to rural or urban spaces to meet the growing demand of urban citizens. While it may still be necessary to produce more calorie-dense and space-intensive crops, e.g. grains and trees, growing…


intercropping in organic agricultural systems

Genuine organic agriculture is rooted in four  main principles: ecology: both ecological systems and cycles should be supported  health: the well-being of both flora and fauna should be sustained fairness: providing common and just environment and life opportunities care: the management of natural resources that is both precautionary and responsible for the benefit of current and future generations, as…

the 15 principles of organic farming

Organic agriculture is the counter movement to conventional agriculture that supports a more natural relationship between production and the environment in which production takes place. To support this relationship and reduce the negative impact of horticulture and agriculture, there are four main principles: Care Fairness Ecology Health These principles influence the practices of organic producers. Accordingly,…


zero acreage farming (zfarming): what it is and how it can change the future of (urban) agriculture

It is not uncommon to hear about the challenges that will be faced in feeding the growing population of the world. One of the main concerns is the lack of arable space, an issue that can be attributed to land-use changes, especially urbanization. Subsequently, the rapid growth of cities contributes to a number of issues,…

sustainable agriculture defined and discussed

Sustainable agriculture has become increasingly supported by citizens and farmers alike. According to the United States’ 1990 Farm Bill, for agriculture to be sustainable agriculture it meets the following requirements: Production must satisfy the human need for food and fibers Environmental quality and natural resource base that the agricultural economy depends upon must be enhanced…

industrial agriculture for meat and dairy production: a comparison of the benefits and disadvantages

Industrial agriculture is a form of food production that treats a farm like a factory that produces animal products. The primary objective of factory farming is to maximize yield and profit. Economic rewards generally supersede environmental, health, and animal welfare concerns.   To enjoy the benefits of economies of scale, factory farming must be large-scale…

the importance of agriculture and how it has evolved throughout the past century

the importance of agriculture and how it has evolved throughout the past century

Agriculture, the process of cultivating the land in order to produce plant and animal products, is the foundation of civilization as we know it because it provides us with food and the raw materials essential to a modernized society. Traditionally, agriculture has been an integrated part of communities, as well as the source of sustenance…