why is the world still so dependent on fossil fuels?

There is no doubt about it – fossil fuels still reign supreme. Industry and consumers are still slaves to this non-renewable resource despite the fact that it pollutes our environment and results in an inequitable distribution of wealth that is concentrated in the hands of a select group of people not necessarily concerned with the…

three major issues affecting healthcare

three major issues affecting healthcare

1. Direct Advertisement and the Expiration of Patents – The United States and New Zealand are the only countries in the world that allow direct marketing of pharmaceuticals. As a result, people often demand unnecessary treatment which drives up costs and reduces the overall quality of care. Additionally, the increased prevalence of pharmaceuticals has not…

how can transportation systems be redesigned to improve efficiency?

Too much of anything is a good thing.  Each concept and item has its own place and purpose.  The same can be said about transportation systems.  Currently, too much of the world’s transportation system is based upon cars and although they offer a great deal of mobility and independence – two qualities that many aspire…

why might civilization be on the verge of collapse?

“Business as usual is no longer a viable option. Food security will deteriorate further unless leading countries collectively mobilize to stabilize population, stabilize climate, stabilize aquifers, conserve soils, protect cropland, and restrict the use of grain to produce fuel for cars.” – Lester Brown The end of the world is not necessarily upon us.  Our…

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kill-it-and-eat-it locavores give cities indigestion

This article describes how urban farmers who chose to slaughter their own meat are facing new regulations and even bans on home butchering. This is coming after many residents filed complaints that home slaughtering is inhumane and that there are no animal welfare standards in effect. Officials have acknowledged that a growth in urban farming…

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the social basis of agro-environmental concern: physical versus social proximity

This article attempts to answer the questions, “Is environmental concern widely diffused throughout society or is it more strongly expressed by particular sub-populations? How has concern changed over time?” This was accomplished by studying the attitudes about agriculture and the environment in relation to an individual’s geographic and social distance from agriculture. They began by…

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the influence of social involvment, neighborhood aesthetics, and community garden participation on fruit and vegetable conspumption

“I feel like I’m a co-creator in the world with my garden, helping bring forth life, nurturance. It nurtures me as much as I nurture it. And it gives me hope.” The objective of this article was to examine the relationship between the fruit and vegetable consumption by urban adults and several selected social and…

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review and analysis of of the benefits, purposes and motivations associated with community gardens in the united states

“The varied purposes and benefits of community gardening make it an ideal interventional strategy for community-based practitioners because myriad goals may be addressed through this approach.” Community gardening emerged in the United States in the 1890s as, “a means to address urban congestion caused by immigration, economic instability and environmental degradation”. Immigrants, children and the…