Biochar, a form of carbon dioxide sequestration (SDR), is a solid material obtained from the carbonization of biomass. This process produces highly porous charcoal. The biomass is then buried to lock the carbon into the soil which can improve soil functions. CO2 typically produced by the natural degradation of biomass is also reduced. This practice is over 2,000 years old and biochar can be found throughout the world as a result of forest fires and historic soil management practices.
see also:
Question: What is geoengineering?
Albedo Enhancement
Space Reflectors
Stratospheric Aerosols
Ambient Air Capture
Bioenergy Capture and Sequestration
Ocean Fertilization
Enhanced Weathering
Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
- Initiative, I. B. (2014). What is Biochar?
- Ippolito, J. a. (2011, March 3-4). Biochar usage: pros and cons.
- LePage, M. (2012, September 20). The pros and cons of geoengineering.
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